Nourishing the Future: Be a Lifeline for Children in Vietnam

When I was a child, images and stories of starving children in Africa were often shown to us. These stories reached even us, children who were fussy about eating our meals. I remember being one of those kids. As I grew older, I reminded myself never to waste food, always saving leftovers instead of throwing them away. I didn’t mind taking food home from restaurants if there was any left on the table.

Today, it’s not just about saving leftover food; it’s about the children who don’t have enough to eat. I don’t need to look as far as Africa to see starving kids. Here in Vietnam, there are children who go to school with empty stomachs or meals that lack proper nutrition. These children are just three to five years old, a crucial period for their growth and development.

Various groups have started projects to address this issue, and I am incredibly grateful for their efforts. Without them, I might never have known how many children live in such dire conditions. One project that touched my heart is called “CON NUÔI” from “Những Bước Chân Xanh” where we become “parents” to the children we sponsor. This project provides meals for kindergarten children throughout the school year.

I began sponsoring this project last year, and their last meal at school was on May 16th. I am deeply satisfied with what the project has accomplished. I can see their genuine care not only for the children but also for us, the sponsors. As they start a new year of sponsorship, I am renewing my commitment and hope to see more sponsors join us this year.

One picture brought tears to my eyes. The children had written, “We love you all a lot, parents!” on paper cards, accompanied by their drawings.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Step 1: Inbox their FB’s page and express your interest in supporting the “CON NUÔI” project. I believe that they can likely communicate in English.

Step 2: They will provide you with the necessary information, including the bank account details.

Step 3: When the school year begins around August or September, they will send you information about the child you are sponsoring, just like they did for me last year.

Step 4: You will be invited to a Facebook group where you can see daily updates about the meals provided to the children in the hub you are supporting.

Occasionally, they organize visits to the hub, allowing you to meet the children and see the impact of your support firsthand.

With a sponsorship amount of less than $100, you can provide meals for an entire year for one child. Once you join the Facebook group, you will see the joy and happiness in these children’s faces, knowing that your small gesture has made a significant impact on their early development.

I dream of the day when I can sponsor an entire school or hub, and with your support, this dream can become a reality. If you happen to read this post, I hope it inspires you to reach out to the page, follow the steps I’ve outlined, or even contact me directly to make a positive impact on these children’s lives, ensuring they have nutritious meals every day.

Thank you for your reading.

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