A Journey of “HOPE”: Turtle Conservation and Recycled Ocean Trash

Before reading this article, I encourage you to watch a short film called “HOPE.” This animation follows the journey of Aqua, a newborn sea turtle. From the moment he hatches, Aqua faces many challenges like human pollution and predators. Using his courage, he overcomes each obstacle and finally reaches the sea. Just before entering the … More A Journey of “HOPE”: Turtle Conservation and Recycled Ocean Trash

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The Connection Between Diversity and Inclusion

“Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is a conceptual framework that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people.” In recent years, I’ve encountered this term through various channels, including workshops and training sessions at my organization. Just yesterday, the concept of “inclusion” took center stage in one of our regional events – Culture … More The Connection Between Diversity and Inclusion

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A Philosophy of Life I Want to Achieve

Maybe you’ve watched the movie Into the Wild, which tells the real-life story of Chris McCandless. The film profoundly affected me, and the song “Society” by Eddie Vedder became a personal anthem, influencing my journey in personal development. One quote from Chris McCandless that has stayed with me is, “Happiness is only real when shared.” … More A Philosophy of Life I Want to Achieve

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Nourishing the Future: Be a Lifeline for Children in Vietnam

When I was a child, images and stories of starving children in Africa were often shown to us. These stories reached even us, children who were fussy about eating our meals. I remember being one of those kids. As I grew older, I reminded myself never to waste food, always saving leftovers instead of throwing … More Nourishing the Future: Be a Lifeline for Children in Vietnam

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Mindful Art Club: Nurture the soul and mind

Mindful Art Club began simply, born from personal experience and supported by our organization’s focus on coworker activities aimed at strengthening our wellbeing. Inspired by our shared love for art and belief in art therapy, my close sister at work and I decided to start the club. While I provided simple ideas and encouragement, my … More Mindful Art Club: Nurture the soul and mind

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