A Path Finder Who Loves Handwriting

Path Finder This is a lovely name – “path finder” – which my manager, J., gave me a few weeks ago during our celebration after getting our new supplier’s approval after almost 1.5 years. Another colleague received the “pioneer” award. We both are happy with the new names given to us. This was an assignment … More A Path Finder Who Loves Handwriting

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The Connection Between Diversity and Inclusion

“Equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is a conceptual framework that promotes the fair treatment and full participation of all people.” In recent years, I’ve encountered this term through various channels, including workshops and training sessions at my organization. Just yesterday, the concept of “inclusion” took center stage in one of our regional events – Culture … More The Connection Between Diversity and Inclusion

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Mindful Art Club: Nurture the soul and mind

Mindful Art Club began simply, born from personal experience and supported by our organization’s focus on coworker activities aimed at strengthening our wellbeing. Inspired by our shared love for art and belief in art therapy, my close sister at work and I decided to start the club. While I provided simple ideas and encouragement, my … More Mindful Art Club: Nurture the soul and mind

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What Footprint Will You Leave Behind?

Our trio recently engaged in a fruitful conversation with M., a manager who has dedicated nearly half of his professional life to the company. Our discussion centered around a fundamental question: what defines a good manager/leader? Each of us provided different answers, reflecting our unique perspectives and definitions. Personally, I believe that answering this question … More What Footprint Will You Leave Behind?

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