A Philosophy of Life I Want to Achieve

Maybe you’ve watched the movie Into the Wild, which tells the real-life story of Chris McCandless. The film profoundly affected me, and the song “Society” by Eddie Vedder became a personal anthem, influencing my journey in personal development. One quote from Chris McCandless that has stayed with me is, “Happiness is only real when shared.” … More A Philosophy of Life I Want to Achieve

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Nourishing the Future: Be a Lifeline for Children in Vietnam

When I was a child, images and stories of starving children in Africa were often shown to us. These stories reached even us, children who were fussy about eating our meals. I remember being one of those kids. As I grew older, I reminded myself never to waste food, always saving leftovers instead of throwing … More Nourishing the Future: Be a Lifeline for Children in Vietnam

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